Baker shotguns manufactured between 19, that were engraved by Rudolph J. Use a long swinging sear, that once adjusted, gave consistent trigger pull throughout the working life of an arm. Make a double barrel shotgun, with hammers directly behind the firing pins. Baker 'normally' had their different gun models in blocks of serial numbers for each gun model, but during this period they had many models in the same block of serial numbers, from roughly the high 30,000 range through 51,000 or so.

was doing a lot of work on forged auto parts and much less work on guns. Make arms with an intercepting firing pin block safety. During the period of 1915-1919, Baker Gun and Forging Co. Make a single barrel trap shotgun with ventilated rib. Baker Gun & Forging Company was the first American arms manufacturer to: 1. Late model Bakers were made by Crescent Firearms Company and have serial numbers with an "F" suffix. From 1919 to approximately 1923, Folsom continued to assemble and make Baker shotguns. Folsom Company had, for almost 20 years, been Baker Company's sole New York City agent and had marketed at least one Baker model that was only made for them. Folsom Arms Company of Norwich, Connecticut. Company was sold on December 24, 1919, to H. Baker shotguns have in recent years become highly collectible. Offered in a wide variety of grades, from plain utilitarian to heavily embellished models. Made from drop forged parts, Baker single-/double barrel shotguns quickly gained a reputation for strength and reliability among shooters of the period. Where can stock for Baker Gun company model Batavia Leader shotgun be purchased.

Baker Gun & Forging Company founded in early 1890, by Elias Baker, brother of William Baker. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln.