In Lightroom you can add a watermark to a batch of pictures and export them all at once using presets. The other way to add signature logo is in Lightroom. You now just drag that image into any other picture and resize and move it to suit – Easy! Lightroom Now you've just created a PNG which is effectively an image with a transparent background. Go to File > Save As > from the drop-down menu select PNG > save it in a location for easy access later > a box will appear, select save as largest file size > click OK Hide this layer by clicking the eye symbol next to it. Click on that lock symbol and drag it into the bin. In the layer’s palette there's a lock symbol next to the background layer. This way we can then drag and drop the signature logo onto any picture really easily. We now have to create a transparent background then save it as a PNG. Convert logo to a PNGĪ PNG is an image format that can be saved with transparent backgrounds. Then resize the text using the Free Transform tool and move it to fit snuggly inside the document. Select the text and change the font to the ones you want > Click the tick at the top to apply that.

Then type your name and photography underneath it. Select the Text tool and select white as your colour (select a different colour if you want a different colour logo). Now what we need to do is create our signature watermark. Tick off artboard > choose black as a background > click create. In Photoshop go to file > New and create a new document 1920px wide and 1080px high (normal FHD screen).

You’ll need to make the logo large enough to fit your photography so it doesn’t pixelate. Create a standard size for your photography logo