Another confirmation here that turning on Cached Exchange Mode fixed it. On Outlook 2016, Click File, Info, Account Settings, Account Settings On Account Settings window, Select Email Tab, select your accounts one by one, click change button, Check Use Cached Exchange mode, Move the Mail to keep offline slider to right end until it shows All. Users with Exchange mailboxes should switch to online mode before deleting the roamcache folder then re-enable cached mode after starting Outlook. Assuming FAST Search is not disabled by policy, Outlook initially submits a query to Exchange Online using FAST Search. This mode should not be used if the Office Container is being used with Outlook Cached Exchange mode. 2: A difference disk will be used and stored on the local machine. In many cases, Cached Exchange Mode is the recommended option for Office 365 deployments. We recommend avoiding storing Microsoft Outlook data locally or on shared drives. The following instructions work for both Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013.

and they query Exchange 2016 and Exchange Online* using FAST Search. In Cached Exchange Mode, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019 and Outlook for Office 365 still query WDS desktop search indexes. That has been the default configuration for Outlook’s Cached Exchange mode since MS Office 2010. When using Outlook with an Office 365 mailbox, we recommend always using Cached Exchange Mode. This mode should not be used if the O365 Container is being used with Outlook Cached Exchange mode. The May 3, 2016, update for Outlook 2016 allows you to set these additional values by using the SyncWindowSettingDays registry data. When you use Cached Exchange Mode, there is always a copy of a user’s Exchange mailbox in an offline folder file (*.ost). So, what if you wanted to lock some of the Start Tiles so they couldn’t be changed, but not all of them? These settings can be defined using Group Policy in Office 365 ADMX Files, … Running in cached mode, the Outlook client looks to the local OST file for all access, including reads and searches, while a separate process checks for new mail on the server and syncs data to the local cache. Thus, shared folders downloaded automatically.